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Found 2868 results for any of the keywords for advanced studies. Time 0.030 seconds.
About Us - GRG Centre for Advanced Studies - GRGCASGRG centre for advanced studies is a part of the GRG Group of Institutions in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Encourages life-long learning with programmes in management, to benefit working professionals – part time courses, dip
Management Development Programmes | Coimbatore - GRGCASGRG Centre for Advanced Studies offers management development programmes, diploma courses and certificate courses for working professionals. Apply Now!
Soft Skills Training | Soft Skill Development CoimbatoreGRG centre for advanced studies offers soft skill development program for working professionals. Soft skills training is essential for managerial roles and employees to collaborate better at workplace and for career succ
Productive Time Management Coimbatore - GRGCASProductive Time Management programme provided by GRG Centre for Advanced Studies helps professionals to prioritize their work for effective use of time.
Techshore Inspection Services - YouTubeTechshore Inspection Services is a vocational training education centre for advanced studies in specialised engineering disciplines like Civil, Mechanical, o...
Techshore Inspection Services - YouTubeTechshore Inspection Services is a vocational training education centre for advanced studies in specialised engineering disciplines like Civil, Mechanical, o...
Digit Math Home: Basic Mathematics, Algebra, TrigonometrySolve math problems and understand mathematics. Examples and explanations of math basics, Algebra and Trigonometry to prepare and continue for advanced studies.
Business Communication Skills – GRGCAS | GRG Centre for Advanced StudiEffective professional communication in organisations goes beyond the normal, informal human communication. The changes in information and communication technology and relentless globalization have revolutionized the way
Physics Assignment Help ☑️ - AUPhysics Assignment Help au services is available to all university students at an affordable price in australia
Modern portfolio theory - WikipediaIf all the asset pairs have correlations of 0—they are perfectly uncorrelated—the portfolio's return variance is the sum over all assets of the square of the fraction held in the asset times the asset's return variance (
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